Denmark's Limfjord - Mighty water castles and magnificent monasteries

 Wide open spaces, water, meadows: The Limfjord stretches through Jutland in Denmark in countless bays, canals and sounds. Mighty water castles, country palaces and magnificent monasteries are enthroned on its shores. It is a rather lonely area, even in high summer it is quiet. This is probably why the people here are so friendly and sociable. 

Birte, Silla and Bo cycle to their fjord garden project in the harbor of the town of Løgstør to harvest mussels, oysters and seaweed. They think gardening is best in a club. Luckily, Silla, a resourceful tinkerer, has just made another ingenious invention: the mussel washing machine. 

Cruising the narrow Næssund, a branch of the Limfjord, is the Næssund Ferry, the smallest and oldest car ferry in the area. New on board, and the first and only woman on this ship, is deckhand Lilian Kohler. She is "girl for everything", but wants more, because Lilian is a trained navigator. She is magically drawn to the bridge, but the old captain doesn't think much of retiring ashore. 

Henrik Madsen, a Viking with freckles and red hair, is drawn to the white cliffs of Mørs Island every morning. In the layers of soft limestone, he searches with infinite patience for fossilized plants, animals and wood. He has already discovered fossil sea turtles here and predatory fish! Animals that found their grave on the seabed 55 million years ago, covered by the ashes of Icelandic volcanic eruptions. Complete tranquility: this is how island manager Jesper Lynge describes life on Livø. 

The island, which is said to represent Denmark in pocket size, is only busy in summer. Then Jesper and his wife Ulla organize several vacation camps for a cultural association. And when everyone is looking for peace and quiet on the island at the same time, suddenly there's a lot going on. 

In Aalborg, the big city in this tranquil region, the clocks always tick differently: students, hippies, sailors, musicians and night owls enliven the city at the eastern end of the Limfjord. Here, the Aalborg Sjøskreds, the Sea Scouts, are getting an old sailing schooner ready to set sail for the Baltic Sea. The regatta season is about to begin. And the young crew is already very excited!

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