Microsoft to revamp Office to protect users from Macros attacks

 Macros are small programs designed to perform repetitive tasks in Microsoft Office, but hackers often try to exploit them by hacking into a user's computer. Contains viruses that allow them to steal important data, delete data, or access it remotely.

For years, Microsoft has been looking for ways to protect users from attacks by disabling this feature automatically and requiring users to click on the yellow button to agree to use the feature. However, crooks are always looking for new ways to create files with special topics to attract victims to not only open them but also enable macro functions.

To address this issue, from the beginning of April, Microsoft will close all macro programs in files obtained from the Internet and will notify users that those files come with the macro software and require them to understand Add. When users click on the button to find out more, it will display articles that provide information about the risks associated with the use of macro software.

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