Subjectively letting the child eat custard apple without seeds, after just a split second, the baby choked and had to be hospitalized in a critical condition.

Doctors at the National Children's Hospital have just saved the life of 3-year-old boy D.T., from Bac Giang, who choked on custard-apple seeds, causing airway obstruction, and had to be hospitalized in a critical condition.
According to the family's share, before this accident, relatives often fed the baby na and he could still spit out the seeds normally. On the morning of December 23, D.T. was eating custard apple by himself when he coughed heavily, then had difficulty breathing and turned purple. The family immediately took the baby to Bac Giang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital for emergency treatment. The doctors here diagnose and monitor the foreign body in the airway. Immediately, the child was carried out emergency intubation, balloon support and transferred to the National Children's Hospital.
At the National Children's Hospital, T was admitted to the hospital in a state of respiratory failure, requiring mechanical ventilation through endotracheal tube, hypoventilation of the right lung, X-ray showed right lung congestion.

MSc.BS. Tran Dang Quay, Department of Intensive Care, said that through examination and scanning, the patient was diagnosed with a foreign body in the airways, suspected of being na granules. Immediately, the doctors consulted and decided to do bronchoscopy to remove the foreign body from the child's airway overnight.
BSCK II. Le Thanh Chuong - Head of Respiratory Resuscitation Department - Respiratory Center (National Children's Hospital) who directly performed bronchoscopy to remove foreign bodies for pediatric patients said that after endoscopy at the bed, foreign objects In the bronchus (right root) was removed as a seed of size 7x12mm.
The right lung had plenty of pus below the foreign body and was aspirated immediately afterwards. After one day of treatment and monitoring, the child's health stabilized and was discharged from the hospital.
Doctor Chuong said that foreign body in the airway is a case of foreign objects entering the airways. This is an accident that can be life-threatening if not detected and handled in time.
At the National Children's Hospital each year, about 50 cases of foreign bodies in the airways are received and treated. Foreign bodies are usually plant seeds (peanut, na, sunflower, corn...) or toys (ring beads, small lights, small whistles, springs...). Especially in some cases, children swallow sharp objects such as screws, pins, needles... threatening to puncture the airways, causing serious complications.