Remove all the orange peels when squeezing the juice and make the mistake of making orange juice as harmful as soda

 Orange juice is nutritious, rich in vitamin C and loved by many, but it can have two major consequences if abused.

Orange juice is a favorite drink of many people. It is packed with vitamin C, niacin, folate and other essential nutrients. One orange provides about 77% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. Orange juice is also a good source of antioxidants that boost immunity.

Orange juice is considered by many to be a healthier option than other sugary drinks such as soft drinks because it is made from fresh fruit. Although drinking a glass of orange juice may not cause weight gain or affect health, drinking too much can cause the same harmful effects as soft drinks.

1. Causes weight gain

Orange juice has no side effects but it can make you gain weight when consumed in excess. Despite its high nutritional value, orange juice contains as much sugar and calories as soft drinks.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), orange juice does not have any satiety, slow-digesting nutrients, such as fiber. In contrast, orange juice can cause weight gain like drinking soft drinks if abused. In addition, 100% store-bought processed juices, including orange juice, are often added with added sugar to improve taste. Consuming extra sugar will provide extra empty calories without any other nutrients that can lead to weight gain.

2. Increased risk of diabetes

This may surprise you, but one small orange contains only 9 grams of sugar. Meanwhile, an average cup of orange juice contains up to 21 grams of sugar. The reason for this difference is that orange juice is the concentrated form of the fruit.
A study published in the journal JAMA in May 2019 found that the sugars in fruit produce a similar biological response to the sugar in soft drinks. Researchers have found that the risk of all-cause mortality increases with each additional soda or juice drink.
Another study published in the British medical journal BMJ in 2013 also found that regularly drinking fruit juice every day was associated with a 21% increased risk of developing diabetes.
What's even more dangerous is that the pre-packaged bottles of orange juice sold in stores are also loaded with refined sugar and this not only increases the calorie content but also raises your blood sugar (depending on how much water you drink). oranges you consume).

If you want to drink orange juice, don't ignore the orange peel

Usually when making orange juice, people will remove all the orange peel. This wastes an important source of nutrients and may help alleviate some of the disadvantages of orange juice.

The main nutrient of orange peel is vitamin C, one tablespoon of peel contains about 8.2 mg of vitamin C. Although the nutrition of orange peel is not as much as eating the flesh, it also contains many beneficial substances such as vitamins. B1, B5 and B6.

In particular, according to a study published in the journal Asian Scientific Research in January 2013, orange peels contain significant amounts of potassium and calcium and small amounts of magnesium and phosphorus. All of these are essential minerals that should be consumed daily.

Although the amount of magnesium or phosphorus from eating orange peels is negligible, you can get a decent amount of potassium and calcium. Potassium is important for heart health, and both calcium and potassium are also needed for bone health. Calcium also supports the function of nervous system cells.

Furthermore, orange peels also provide fiber. 100g of orange peel contains 98 calories, 1.6g protein, 24g carbohydrate and 10.5g fiber. Adding orange peel to orange juice can help increase the amount of fiber in orange juice, thereby reducing the disadvantages of this delicious drink.

For the above reasons, you can puree oranges and white peels into smoothies to drink. Drinking orange juice with the whole white peel is beneficial to the health of the child and is also good for the growth of height.

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